MY NAME IS Beda Aboloc. I was
born in Cantilan, Surigao del Sur, Mindanao, Philippines, on May 27, 1928, and
was baptized in Roman Catholic. My Father, Hilarion Aboloc, from Tubigon, Bohol
Philippines and my mother, Irenea Huerta, from Cantilan, Surigao del Sur, both
Roman Catholic Church. I have one brother, dead; five brothers who are all
married, and four sisters who are all married also except one. From grades one
to four, I studied in the Public School. From grades five to seven, and from
first to fourth year high school, I studied in the Catholic School in my

I did not waste time in planning
my next move. I decided to attend the summer classes in a Catholic College in
Surigao, Surigao del Norte, where the Bishop was residing, to prepare myself
for a teaching career. I was boarding in the convent of the Parish Priest.
Towards the end of the summer course, the Bishop ordered me to go home and
prepare for my departure for the seminary, because he had found a benefactor to
help me shoulder the expenses of my seminary studies. My mother had to give in
to my ardent desire to become a priest.
With three other seminarians, I
left for the Sacred Heart Seminary in Tanawan, Leyte, Philippines, a diocesan
minor seminary run by the Fathers of the Society of the Divine Word. Classes
started in June of that year, 1947. After taking up regular and special courses
in Latin for two years together with the older boys and other high school
graduates, I entered the newly opened major seminary department, a college
course for four years, recognized by the government, leading to the degree of
Bachelor of Arts (A.B.). Consequently, aside from the studies of the Bible and
of the rudiments of Greek, I had to comply with the government requirement for
credits in Philosophy, English, Latin, Spanish, Mathematics, Science,
Education, Sociology, and Physical Education. In 1950, I was one of those who
were vested with the clerical garb, the cassock, and then outer garment to be
worn from then on. The black cassock was worn on special occasions, and the
white cassocks for daily ordinary wear. In April 1953, I graduated from the
college of Liberal Arts.
After studying for six years in
Sacred Heart Seminary, I was sent by my Bishop to San Jose Seminary in Quezon
City, Philippines to study Theology, a four-year course. Within this time,
those who were qualified could work for a Master of Arts degree (M.A.). I did
not qualify for M.A. Degree. Before classes started in June 1953, my Bishop was
then in Quezon City had a stroke of cerebral hemorrhage, and having lost in
speech, he was incapacitated to go on his work as a Bishop. So in 1955, a new
Bishop of Surigao was consecrated, Bishop van den Ouwelant, M.S.C. The subjects
I studied in the Theology course were Fundamental Theology, Moral Theology,
Dogmatic Theology, Sacred Scriptures, Canon Law, Church History, Sacred
Eloquence, Hebrew, Rites, Pastoral Theology, Liturgy, and Ascetical Theology.
In the two seminaries where I
studied, seminarians are allowed to go home for their yearly summer vacation.
During my vacation in summer 1954, I met Dr. Cesar Castro in his clinic in R.
Papa Street, Manila; my elder brother Baudelio, who was still single,
introduced him to me as a minister of the Church Of Christ. But during my last
vacation after my third year in Theology, I did not go home but I stayed with
my elder brother Baudelio and his wife, Lolita Jermina, both members of the
Church Of Christ or Iglesia Ni Cristo, who were then residing in Aguado Street,
San Miguel, Manila. In the course of my stay, I wanted to win my brother and
his wife back to the Catholic Church. Therefore I was anxious to see personally
the Administrator of the Church Of Christ, namely Brother Felix Manalo, and
also the other ministers. With my brother and sister-in-law, I succeeded in
meeting personally Brother Felix Manalo, his son Brother Eraño G. Manalo and
Brother Teofilo C. Ramos at Riverside, now F. Manalo Street, San Juan, Rizal. I
even had a picture taken with Brother Felix Manalo and Brother Teofilo C.
Ramos. That was in 1956.
My Brother and I agreed that
Brother Cipriano P. Sandoval, a minister of the Church Of Christ, be invited to
the house to teach me about the Church Of Christ. But my intention was to
discuss with the minister and to refute and disapprove the doctrines of the
Church Of Christ. Indeed Brother Sandoval and Brother Sulpicio Villanueva, the
Head Deacon of Quiapo, Manila visited me regularly. I asked questions and
argued. But one thing struck me was this: whenever I asked questions or
whenever I argued, Brother Sandoval would take the authority of his answers not
from his own lips but from the words of the Holy Bible. And it was amazing how
he could find the answers so easily and quickly in the Bible.
I told Brother Sandoval and my
brother that in case I would be convinced of the teachings of the Church of
Christ, I would not return to the seminary anymore. My vacation came to an end
but I was not yet thoroughly convinced of the doctrine of the Church Of Christ,
so I returned to the seminary and finished my last year in Theology. During
that last year of my seminary training, I received the tonsure, the four Minor
Orders, and the Two Major Orders of Sub-diaconate and Diaconate. So after
studying for six years in the Sacred Heart Seminary and four years in San Jose
Seminary, I received the last Major Order, the Priesthood, in Surigao, Surigao
del Norte on March 24, 1957. Since then I was addressed Reverend Father Beda
Aboloc. I celebrated my first Solemn Hymn Mass in my hometown on April 7, 1957.
After my ordination, I was
assigned assistant priest in several parishes of the Diocese of Surigao,
namely, in Surigao, Surigao del Norte, Cabadbaran, Agusan; Buenavista, Agusan;
Bacuag, Surigao del Norte; Madrid, Surigao del Sur; Bayogan, Agusan; and Dapa,
Surigao del Norte. I was assigned Parish priest in Carrascal, Surigao del Sur,
and in Claver, Surigao del Norte. I was assistant secretary to the Bishop of
Surigao until my resignation from the priesthood.
I must confess that, in spite of
the quietude of life supposed to be sufficient cause for contentment of a
priest in my position, I could not – summoning all arguments with which I was
trained – dislodge the Biblical passages read before me which punctured and
pointed to me the falsehood of Roman Catholicism. Inwardly, I could not beat
peace. My conscience was incessantly disturbed.
I decided to quit priesthood for
the sake of salvation of my soul. To go on living the life of a priest would
only lead me to eternal damnation. As a priest, I could not see the will of God
in the discipline of the Catholic Church forbidding priests to marry. I
happened to discuss with some of my fellow-priest about the possible changes in
the Catholic Church during the Second Vatican Council, which was then being
planned. We made several guesses as to what would finally be decided regarding
the celibacy of priests. One guess was that the Catholic Church might make
marriage at least optional for priests. Some of my fellow priests said that
even if it were optional for priests to marry, they would not care to marry at
all, but others said that for them marriage would be perfectly alright. But I
could not wait for the decision of the council for this matter.
After the first session of the
second Vatican Council, I decided to quit the Priesthood in the proper way.
Proper way I said, because nobody on earth could have prevented me from taking
off my cassock and severing all connections with the Priesthood anytime,
anywhere. I could have run away and lived together with any woman of my choice
after, say, a civil marriage. But in the eyes of the Catholic Church this would
not only be improper but even illegal. The Catholic Church could have me
branded with all sorts of ill names, such as, an ex-communicated priest, a
renegade priest, an immoral and sinful priest, a fugitive priest, a scandalous
priest, a crazy priest, and so forth.
Therefore in February 1963, with
the help and recommendation of my Bishop, Msgr. Charles van den Ouwelant,
M.S.C., I sent my resignation from the priesthood to then reigning Pope in
Rome, Pope John XXIII. Not long after my resignation had been received in Rome,
the Pope John XXIII died, and a new Pope, Pope Paul VI, was elected and
crowned. While waiting for the reply of the Pope, I informed my elder brother
in Manila about my resignation from the priesthood. He was glad to know about
it, and he reminded me of the Church Of Christ. With his answer to my letter he
included texts from the Bible sent to me by Brother Cipriano P. Sandoval. But I
did not mind those texts. My mind was preoccupied with nothing but quitting the
In October 1963, having received
no decision from Rome, I told my Bishop who was going again to Rome for the
second session of the Council, to please follow up my letter of resignation and
see the Pope personally for a speedy decision. Faithful to his promise to help
me be the best way he could, my Bishop succeeded in obtaining for me the
decision of the Pope which he communicated to me in writing immediately. I
received my Bishop’s letter in December 1963, stating the Pope’s approval of my
resignation and the dispensation from all my obligations to the priesthood including
celibacy. I was very happy. But since in my application for resignation I
stated that I intended to remain an ordinary Catholic layman, my Bishop advised
me to set an example of a good Catholic life to other Catholics whom I might
get in contact with. He instructed me what to do in case of a possible marriage
to be contracted presumably with Catholic woman.
After taking off my cassock, I
went home for a few months’ vacation. On April 7, 1964, I proceeded to the
house of my elder brother Baudelio, intending to stay with him while looking
for a job but not intending to join him as a member of the Church Of Christ. As
a Catholic layman, I could look for a Catholic woman to wed. On April 12, 1964,
my brother and sister-in-law invited me to attend the services of the Church Of
Christ in the Chapel at F. Manalo, San Juan, Rizal. We did not know it was the
first anniversary of death of Brother Felix Manalo. After the services, we met
Brother Eraño G. Manalo, Brother Teofilo C. Ramos, Cipriano P. Sandoval,
Benjamin Santiago and other brothers in the Church Of Christ. I requested
Brother Cipriano P. Sandoval, with whom I used to discuss religious matters way
back in 1956, to teach me about the Church Of Christ.
On April 13, 1964, Brother
Sandoval began my Bible Study but after two lessons, another minister, Brother
Angel Casanova took over, because Brother Sandoval was too busy to have a fixed
schedule. In the course of my bible Study, I discovered a world of difference
between the doctrine of the Catholic Church and the doctrine of Church Of
Christ. After serious thought and consideration, I was convinced of the truth,
the way, and the life of the Church Of Christ, so much so, even before my Bible
Study was over, I took part of the campaigns of the Church Of Christ in
Calapan, Mindoro, on May 1, 1964 and in Naga City, Camarines Sur, on May 15,
1964. My Bible Study was finished on May 27, 1964, my thirty-sixth birthday. On
May 29, 1964, I took part for the third time in another campaign of the Church
Of Christ in Pasig, Rizal.
During the campaign, I told the
public that I found the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church to be wrong
especially the prohibition imposed on priests to marry and the prohibition to
eat meat, which are doctrines of the devil, according to the Bible. I exhorted
all Catholics, including priests, to go out of Roman Catholic Church and enter
the Church Of Christ if they want to be saved on judgment day. On May 30, 1964,
Minister Brother Balmores baptized me in the Church Of Christ, in the chapel of
Baclaran, Rizal.
Now I am happy and at peace after
my quest for the truth, the way, and the life and I hope one day to be at rest
with my God. In closing, let this be clear to everybody. First, that I was not
expelled in Priesthood, but it was I, myself, who quit the priesthood.
Secondly, if my quitting the priesthood were just a question of getting
married, I did not have become a member of the Church Of Christ, or of any
other religion for that matter. As an ordinary Catholic layman I could have chosen
any Catholic woman for a wife. But my becoming a member of the Church Of Christ
is a question of doctrine and principle, and conviction. And since members of
the Church Of Christ forbidden to contract marriage with non-members, I hope
someday, somewhere, sometime, somehow, to find a partner for life among my
marriageable sisters in the Church Of Christ.
Editor’s Note:
Brother Beda H. Aboloc entered the
ministry and was ordained as a Minister of the Gospel. He became a writer and
editor of the PASUGO magazine. He was an active member of the Church and
remained in themininistry until his death.
[Published at PASUGO 50th Anniversary
Special Anniversary Edition, July 1964, pp. 194-196.]
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