The Church in History, Part One:
The Fact and Process of Apostasy
The Fact and Process of Apostasy
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St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City |
The apostasy of the first century Church of Christ
is indeed
prophesied by the Bible
THE ISSUE IF there was
an apostasy took place in the first century Church of Church is very vital especially for the Roman Catholic Church because if there was, the
Catholic Church cannot be the true Church founded by Christ, but the
apostatized church because the Catholic Church claims that they succeeded the first century Church of Christ. This is the reason why the Catholic Church is using every
possible way to cover the biblical and historical facts of the apostasy that
took place in the first century Church of Christ.
What “Apostasy”
The dictionary defines “apostasy”
as “the renunciation of a religious or
political belief or allegiance” (Microsoft Encarta Dictionary). Thus,
Apostasy is a defection, a falling away from what one believed in, as apostasy
from one’s religion, creed, or politics. Hence, one becomes an "apostate" as soon
as he departs from his former belief, whatever it was. What undergoes change is
not the person nor his nature but his beliefs.
The Bible also has a definition
for “apostasy.” Let us read what is written I Timothy 4:1:
“Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times
some will turn away from the true faith; they will follow deceptive spirits and
teachings that come from demons.” (New Living Translation)
According to Apostle Paul, “some will
turN away from the true faith; they will follow deceptive spirits and
teachings that come from demons.” These words (“turning away from the true
faith”) is synonymous with the word “apostasy”:
“But the Spirit speaks expressly, that in latter times some
shall APOSTATISE from the faith, giving their mind to deceiving spirits and
teachings of demons.” (Darby Bible)
Aside from “turning away from the
true faith,” the Bible also used the following words which are also synonymous
with the word “apostasy”:
“depart from
faith” (KJV)
“abandon the
faith” (NIV)
“fall away from
the faith” (NASB)
“desert the
Christian faith” (God’s Word)
“turned away
from the faith” (Bible basic English)
“renounce the
faith” (NRSV)
For Apostle Paul, apostasy is not
only turning away from the true faith, but also following deceptive spirits and
teachings that came from demons.” The
“true faith” is what the Lord Jesus Christ and the His apostles taught. Where
could we find the truth taught by the Lord Jesus and His Apostles? Which can
teach us the truth? This is what apostle Paul said in II Toimothy 3:16-17:
“And you remember that ever since you were a child, you have
known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to
salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is inspired by God and
is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving
instruction for right living, so that the person who serves God may be fully
qualified and equipped to do every kind of good deed.” (TEV)
Not all the things done by Christ
and the Apostles were written (cf. Jn. 20:30-31). In fact there were some
things that God did not want to be written (cf. Dan. 12:4; Rev. 10:4). The
Apostles wrote down what they witnessed (cf. 1 Jn. 1:1-4). All such writings
were inspired by God, should be used for doctrine, correction, instruction, and
they make man perfect (cf. II Tim. 3:16-17). What were written are enough and
nothing should be added to them nor subtracted from them (cf. Rev. 22:18-19)
for what are written were written so that we might believe that Jesus is the
Christ, the Son of God and that by believing we might have eternal life through
His name (cf. Jn. 20:30-31). Apostle Paul adds that we must not go beyond what
is written:
“Now, brothers, I have
applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, so that you may
learn from us the meaning of the saying, "Do not go beyond what is
written." Then you will not take pride in one man over against another.”
(I Corinthians 4:6 NIV)
Thus, departing from the true
faith is departing from what the Bible teaches through going beyond what is
written. Moreover, apostasy is also changing the Gospel of Christ or the
doctrine writen in the Bible:
“I am surprised at you! In no time at all you are deserting
the one who called you by the grace of Christ, and are accepting another
gospel. Actually, there is no "other gospel," but I say this because
there are some people who are upsetting you and trying to change the gospel of
Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel
that is different from the one we preached to you, may he be condemned to hell!
Galacia 1:6-8 TEV
Hence, an apostate is (1) those that followed
the doctrines came from the demon or erroneous doctrines; (2) went beyond what is written (taught
doctrines not in the Bible, upheld unbiblical doctrines); and (3) changed the
doctrines written in the Bible (changed the Gospel or the teachings of Christ and the apostles). Apostle Paul said, “if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel that is
different from the one we preached to you, may he be condemned to hell!.”
Biblical Facts
of the Apostasy
On Matthew 16:18
As expected, the Catholic Church denies that apostasy took place. Catholic Defenders evem used Matthew 16:18 and Matthew 28:18-19 to proved that apostasy did not took place. However, careful reading of the verse will show that the Lord Jesus did not said that there will be no apostasy. Let us first look at Matthew 16:18:
As expected, the Catholic Church denies that apostasy took place. Catholic Defenders evem used Matthew 16:18 and Matthew 28:18-19 to proved that apostasy did not took place. However, careful reading of the verse will show that the Lord Jesus did not said that there will be no apostasy. Let us first look at Matthew 16:18:
“And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will
build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” (Matthew 16:18
When the Lord Jesus said “the
gates of Hades will not overcome it (the Church He build),” the Catholic
defenders understand this to mean that the Church will not be apostatized.
However, this is only their conclusion and this reveals their ignorance of the
teachings of the Bible. What is the equivalent of the words of Christ that “the
gates of Hades will not overcome the Church”? Let us read the rendering of Today’s
English Version:
“And so I tell you, Peter: you are a rock, and on this rock
foundation I will build my church, and not even death will ever be able to
overcome it.” (Matthew 16:18 TEV)
When the Lord Jesus Christ said
that “the gates of Hades will not overcome it," what he meant is “not even
death will ever be able to overcome it.” In I Thessalonians, this is what
Apostle Paul said:
“For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud
command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and
the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are
left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the
air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.” (I Thessalonians 4:16-17 NIV)
Thus, no where in Matthew 16:18 that the Lord Jesus Christ said that the Church He founded will not be apostatized. What the Lord Jesus Christ said is that "the gates of Hades will not overcome" the Church He founded. The Bible explained that this words of Jesus does not mean that the Church will not be apostatized, but that "the power of death will not overcome it" because the members of the Church He founded although they suffered death but will be resurrected in His Second Coming.
On Matthew 28:19-20
Regarding Matthew 28:19-20, the Catholic Defenders insist that the words of the Lord Jesus saying “surely I am with you always, to the very end of time” means apostasy will not took place. However, careful study of the verse shows that the conclusion or interpretation of the Catholic Defenders is erroneous:
Regarding Matthew 28:19-20, the Catholic Defenders insist that the words of the Lord Jesus saying “surely I am with you always, to the very end of time” means apostasy will not took place. However, careful study of the verse shows that the conclusion or interpretation of the Catholic Defenders is erroneous:
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing
them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and
teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you
always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20 NIV)
Before the Lord Jesus Christ said
the words “surely I am with you always, to the very end of time,” He first
said, “and make disciples of all nations…and teaching
them to obey everything I have commanded you." Thus, if the disciples will
continue obeying everything the Lord Jesus Christ commanded, He will be with them always to the
very end of time.
Thus, like Matthew 16:18, nowehere in Matthew 28:19-20 that the Lord Jesus Christ said that the Church He founded will not be apostatized. The Lord said to His disciples that He will with them always to the very end of time IF they will continue obeying everything He have commanded them.
Comparing the Church with Israel
Thus, like Matthew 16:18, nowehere in Matthew 28:19-20 that the Lord Jesus Christ said that the Church He founded will not be apostatized. The Lord said to His disciples that He will with them always to the very end of time IF they will continue obeying everything He have commanded them.
Comparing the Church with Israel
They could not accept the fact
that the first century
Church was apostatized
because it is built by Christ, taught by the apostles, and guided by the Holy
Spirit. It is of God and the nation of God, so for them it is impossible that
apostasy would take place. However, they forgot that before the Church of Christ,
was the nation of God. In Deuteronomy
7:6 this is what the Bible tells about Israel:
“For you are a people holy to the LORD your God. The LORD your
God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his
people, his treasured possession.” (NIV)
How did Israel became God’s nation? In II
Samuel 7:24, this is what is written:
“You have established your people Israel as your very own forever,
and you, O LORD, have become their God.” (NIV)
The following were the
privileges enjoyed by the Israelites
when they were still the nation of God:
“They are God's people; he made them his sons and revealed his
glory to them; he made his covenants with them and gave them the Law; they have
the true worship; they have received God's promises.” (Romans 9:4 TEV)
Although Israel was the first
nation of God, that God Himself established them as His people and they
received His promises, however, Israel was apostatized and did not remained
God’s nation:
“All Israel
has transgressed your law and turned away, refusing to obey you.
"Therefore the curses and sworn judgments written in the Law of Moses, the
servant of God, have been poured out on us, because we have sinned against
you.” (Daniel 9:11 NIV)
Israel “turned way” from God. Isn’t
that the words “turned away” are synonymous with “apostatized”? Israel was
indeed apostatized, that is why she was replaced as God’s nation. Apostle Peter
attests to this fact:
“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy
nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who
called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are
the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received
mercy. I Peter 2:9-10 NIV
Apostle Peter is referring to the
Church of Christ, the Church that Christ established.
Thus, because Israel did not
remained faithful to God and has been apostatized, she was replaced as God’s
nation by the first century Church
of Christ.
Here, we can see that the
argument that the first century Church of Christ will never be apostatized
because she was built by Christ and God acknowledge her as His nation” is
baseless. Israel was established by God as His people, receiving God’s promises
and covenant, acknowledge as God’s nation, but she was apostatized and been
Therefore, although the first
century Church of
Christ was apostatized,
it doesn’t mean that Christ failed. It was not Christ, but it was the people who
failed to continue obeying His commandments. Remember that Christ will only
continue to be with them if they will continue obeying everything He commanded.
Is the continuous history of the Catholic Church
or its existence for 2,000 years proves that
no apostasy took place?
The Catholic defenders asked us that if the Church of Christ was truly apostatized, why there was no period in history that the Church did not exist. For them, the continues history of the the Catholic Church (it's 2,000 years history proves that there was no apostasy that took place). If this is the case, then the Jews can still claim that there are the nation of God until this time, and there were never been replaced by the Church of Christ as God's nation, because the Jewish nation (the Jewish people) remained until our time. No period of history can be shown that the Jews did not continue to exist. From the time of Christ and until this day, the Jewish people remained, now having a continuous history of about 3,500 years (since the time of Moses).
However, as the New Testament points out, although the Jewish people remained but they did not remained God's nation because they departed from the true faith or because they were apostatized. That's why, even though they continued to exist, but they were no longer God's nation, and been replaced by the Church of Christ as God's nation. Therefore, the apostasy menationed by the Bible does not mean that the Church will not continue to exist. The Church or the organization remained, but she was transformed from being the true Church to an apostatized church. So, although the church continued for 2,000 years, but as we know it, not as the Church of Christ, but as the Roman Catholic Church.
Is the continuous history of the Catholic Church
or its existence for 2,000 years proves that
no apostasy took place?
The Catholic defenders asked us that if the Church of Christ was truly apostatized, why there was no period in history that the Church did not exist. For them, the continues history of the the Catholic Church (it's 2,000 years history proves that there was no apostasy that took place). If this is the case, then the Jews can still claim that there are the nation of God until this time, and there were never been replaced by the Church of Christ as God's nation, because the Jewish nation (the Jewish people) remained until our time. No period of history can be shown that the Jews did not continue to exist. From the time of Christ and until this day, the Jewish people remained, now having a continuous history of about 3,500 years (since the time of Moses).
However, as the New Testament points out, although the Jewish people remained but they did not remained God's nation because they departed from the true faith or because they were apostatized. That's why, even though they continued to exist, but they were no longer God's nation, and been replaced by the Church of Christ as God's nation. Therefore, the apostasy menationed by the Bible does not mean that the Church will not continue to exist. The Church or the organization remained, but she was transformed from being the true Church to an apostatized church. So, although the church continued for 2,000 years, but as we know it, not as the Church of Christ, but as the Roman Catholic Church.
Who Makes the Lord Jesus Christ a Liar?
The Catholic Defenders say that
“those who say that the Church was apostatized is making the Lord Jesus a
liar.” It is not those who say that the Church was apostatized that making
Jesus a liar but the Catholic Defenders who say that the Church will not be
apostatized. Please ponder this words of the Lord Jesus Christ:
“Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to
death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. At that time MANY WILL TURN AWAY FROM THE FAITH and will betray and hate each other.” (Matthew 24:9-10 NIV, emphasis mine)
These are the very words of the Lord Jesus Christ: "MANY WILL TURN AWAY FROM THE FAITH." Remember that "apostasy" means "turning away from the faith." So, who makes the Lord Jesus Christ a liar, those who say that apostasy took place or those that who say that there was no apostasy? Still, according to the Lord Jesus Christ, who will led the disciples
astray and how many will be led astray?
“Many false prophets will rise up and lead multitudes astray.”
(Matt. 24:11 Weymouth)
Take note that Jesus warned us
that not only “many will turn away from
the faith” but that those faithful disciples “will be handed over to be
persecuted and put to death.” This is how the first century Church of Christ was totally apostatized. The faithful
disciples were persecuted and put to death, and the multitudes of His disciples
"will turn away from the faith."
Therefore, it is indeed a biblical fact
that the first century Church
of Christ will be
The Process of
How was the multitude of the
disciples was apostatized? Apostle Peter explains this in II Peter 2:1-2:
“But there were also false prophets among the people, just as
there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce
destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them-bringing
swift destruction on themselves. Many
will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute.”
(II Peter 2:1-2 NIV)
Apostle Peter said, “there will
be false teachers among you.” The
false teachers will not rise from outside of the Church and will deceive many to get
them to depart from the Church. The false teachers will rise IN THE MIDST of the disciples. How these false teachers will distort the doctrines of
Christ and the apostles written in the Bible? Apostle Peter also said that, “They will
secretly introduce destructive heresies.” Thus, apostasy will happen inside the
The Church will remain, the
organization will still be there, however, her doctrines did not remained “pure”
as what the Lord Jesus Christ and the apostles taught and as what are written in the Bible. False
teachers will rise among them and will secretly introduce false doctrines.
Remember what Apostle Paul said in I Timothy 4:1:
"Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times
some will turn away from the true faith; they will follow deceptive spirits and
teachings that come from demons.” (New Living Translation)
Who are these false teachers that
will secretly introduce to the Church
“destructive heresies” or false doctrines? Apostle Paul answered this in
Acts 20:30:
“Even from your own number men will arise and distort the
truth in order to draw away disciples after them.” (Acts 20:30 NIV)
Apostle Paul said, “from your own
number men will rise and distort the truth.” Who were Apostle Paul talking to
when he said “from your own number men will rise and distort the truth”? In
Acts 20:28:
“Take heed unto yourselves, and to all the flock, in which the
Holy Spirit hath made you bishops, to feed the church of the Lord which he
purchased with his own blood.” (Acts 20:28 ASV)
Thus, among the bishops will rise
men that will distort the truth. This is how many were led astray. False
teachers will rise among the bishops and will distort the truth. When will this
happen? This is Apostle’ Paul's statement in Acts 20:29-30:
“I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among
you and will not spare the flock. Even
from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away
disciples after them.” (Acts 20:29-30 NIV)
Apostle Paul said, “afer I
leave...” He is referring to his death (cf.
Acts 20:29-30, 24-25 and 37-38; I Tim. 4:6-8). The process of apostasy or
the turning away from the teachings of God as written in the Bible, was already
at work even during the times of the apostles (cf. II Thess. 2:7). Apostle Paul
warned the Christians in Galatia
that those who teach doctrines different from what the Apostles already taught
be accursed (cf. Gal. 1:6-9). But for as long as the Apostles were still alive
and in control of Church administration, such forces of iniquity did not
succeed in enticing the entire living members of the Church away from what the
Apostles taught them (cf. II Thess. 2:7).
Thus, the apostasy will take
place after the death of the apostles or after the apostolic period. After the
death of the apostles (John, the last of the apostles, died in c. 90-100 AD),
among the bishops (those who succeeded the apostles) will rise false teachers
that will distort the truth.
the fulfillment of the
Christ said that “you will be
handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all
nations because of me.”
Indeed, the first century Christians were persecuted and put to death. There’s
the Jewish persecution where Stephen was one of the Christians who were put to
death. Then came the imperial persecution of the Church started by Roman
Emperor Nero in 64 AD:
“Tacitus recorded the rumor that Nero had ordered the fire
that destroyed part of the city of Rome.
This rumor was so widely accepted by the people that Nero had to find a
scapegoat. He diverted feeling against himself to the Christians by accusing
them of arson and by engaging in a saturnalia of destruction of the Christians.”
(Christianity Through the Centuries, p. 91)
Then, another imperial
persecution broke out still in the first century AD, this time by Emperor
“Persecution broke out again in 95 during the reign of the
despotic Domitian. The Jews had refused to pay a poll tax that had been levied
for the support of Capitolinus Jupiter. Because the Christians continued to be
associated with the Jews, they also suffered the effects of the emperor’s
wrath. It was during this persecution that the apostle John was exiled to the
Isle of Patmos, where he wrote the Book of Revelation.” (Christianity Through
the Centuries, p. 91)
Thus, what the Lord Jesus Christ
prophesied in Matthew 24:9 was fulfilled. The faithful, including the
apostles, were put to death during the imperial persecution. Indeed, many
Christians were put to death during these two imperial persecutions of the
Church in the first century. Apostle John was exiled in an
island called Patmos. He died in c. 90-100 AD.
With the death of the apostles, however, something happened to the Church:
“For the years after the record in Acts ends, evidence for the
history of the Christian Church becomes more scanty. There began to be passing
references to it in pagan writers. These writers make it seem likely that the
Roman Emperor Nero blamed the Christians for the burning of the city of Rome in A.D. 64. It is
also very likely that Saint Peter and Saint Paul
were put to death at Rome
about this time… .
“When the original Apostles died, the leadership of the Church
was taken over by local pastors known as bishops. Under them were ministers of
lower rank, known as presbyters and deacons. The Church organized the area of
the Roman Empire into provinces. The bishops
at the head of the Christian communities in the large cities such as Rome, Antioch, Alexandria, and Carthage
ranked highest.” (The New Book of Knowledge, vol. 3, pp. 280-281)
Thus, when the Apostles died, not
much was recorded on what went on in the Church of Christ
but during this period of silence the administration of the Church fell into
the hands of the bishops. Apostle Paul describes the bishop as he was in the
first century Church
of Christ. His qualities
are detailed in I Timothy 3:2-7 as:
“…blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good
behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; Not given to wine, no striker
not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; One that
ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity;
(For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the
church of God?). Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the
condemnation of the devil. Moreover, he must have a good report of them which
are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.” (King
James Version)
Apostle Paul further says that a
bishop should be “holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that
he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the
gainsayers” (cf. Titus 1:9). Thus, among other things, a
bishop in the first century Church
of Christ is a husband of
one wife and a teacher of things taught by the Apostles and Christ, things that
are written in the Bible.
The bishops that took control of
the Church administration in the second century were of a different breed. They
were priests who were not allowed to marry and taught things not coming from
the Bible. Moreover, the bishops of the first century Church were not
“In Acts 20:28, …the fact that there were several bishops in
one community excludes the monarchical concept of the term…” (New Catholic
Encyclopedia, vol. 2, p. 585)
In spite of this clear evidence
from the Bible that the original bishop in the Church of Christ
was not monarchical, Catholic Church authorities inject the idea that the
monarchical episcopate which prevailed in the second century must have come
from oral tradition:
“Therefore, since there is no clear evidence in NT for a
monarchical episcopate, this office, which was firmly established by the early
decades of the 2d century must have been based on oral apostolic tradition
going back ultimately to Christ.” (Ibid.)
A monarchical episcopate is
defined as “one single bishop assisted by priests and deacons” (Ibid. p. 589),
a thing that did not prevail during the time of the Apostles. In spite of this
difference in administration between the first century Church of Christ
and that of the second, Catholic authorities reject the first and accept the
“The testimony of Ignatius from the first decade of the 2d
century, along with the evidence of the writers from the second half of that
century and the earliest catalogs of bishops in the principal Churches – all of
which trace a line of succession of individual bishops back to the apostolic
age – satisfies most Catholic theologians that this form of Church government
was the only one ever recognized as normal and regular.” (Ibid.)
Soon after the bishops took over
the administration of the Church in the second century, the doctrines of this
Church began to be infected with poison:
“At first the history of the Roman Church is identical with
the history of the Christian truth. But unhappily there came a time when
streams of poison began to flow from the once pure fountain.” (The World’s
Great Events, vol. 2, pp 163-164)
This control of the Church
administration by the bishops who began to teach different doctrines was the
fulfillment of what Apostle Paul prophesied concerning the overseers (bishop):
“Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse
things, to draw away disciples after them.” (Acts 20:30, KJV)
departing from the true faith
The great apostasy did not
consist in the destruction of the first century Church of Christ
and the establishment of another one. It consisted in the deterioration of the
Church established by Christ. Immediately after the death of the Apostles, during
this period the bishops took over the administration of the Church and the
Church became very different from what Christ founded (or the first century
“For fifty years after St. Paul’s
life a curtain hangs over the church, through which we strive vainly to look;
and when at last it rises about 120 A.D. with the writings of the earliest
church-fathers, we find a church in many aspects very different from that in
the days of St. Peter and St. Paul.”
(The Story of the Christian Church, p. 41)
The differences between what used
to be the Church
of Christ in the first
century and the Church that was revealed in the second to the fourth centuries
are profound:
“It is necessary to note that we should recall the reader’s
attention to the profound differences between this fully developed Christianity
of Nicaea and the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth….What is clearly apparent is
that the teaching of Jesus of Nazareth was a prophetic teaching of the new type
that began with the Hebrew prophets. It was not priestly, it had no consecrated
temple, and no altar. It had no rites and ceremonies. Its sacrifice was ‘a
broken and contrite heart’. Its only organization was an organization of
preachers, and its chief function was the sermon. But the fully fledge
Christianity of the fourth century, though it preserved as its nucleus the
teachings of Jesus in the Gospels, was mainly a priestly religion, of a type
already familiar to the world for thousands of years. The center of its
elaborate ritual was an altar, and the essential act or worship the sacrifice,
by a consecrated priest, of the Mass.”
(The Outline of History, pp. 552-553)
These profound changes, made on
the original teachings of Christ, dealt great violence on the teachings of the
Bible for the purpose of enhancing the interests of the Catholic Church:
“Jesus too, being a Galilean, was of Aryan stock, a remarkable
man whose teachings had, in the course of centuries, been deformed out of all
recognition in the interests of the Catholic Church.” (The Vatican in the Age
of Dictators, p. 168)
Adding insult to injury, Catholic
authorities acknowledge such changes without shame and even with pride:
“We Catholics acknowledge readily, without any shame, nay with
pride, that Catholicism cannot be identified simply and wholly with primitive
Christianity, nor even with the Gospel of Christ, in the same way that the
great oak cannot be identified with the tiny acorn.” (The Spirit of
Catholicism, p. 2)
Catholic authorities even boast
that they did not derive their faith in Jesus from the Scriptures:
“ ‘Without the Scriptures’, says Mohler, ‘the true form of the
sayings of Jesus would have been withheld from us….Yet the Catholic does not
derive his faith in Jesus from Scripture’.” (Ibid. p. 50)
Hence, those responsible for this
apostasy of the first century Church
of Christ were the
bishops under whose administration these profound changes took place. The first
bishop identified as having introduced changes into the Church was Ignatius,
bishop of Antioch who was martyred in Rome about 110 A.D. He was
the first to use the term Catholic Church in reference to the Church of Christ:
“The name Catholic as a name is not applied to the Catholic
Church in the Bible. ..St. Ignatius of Antioch, writing to the Christians of
Smyrna about the year 110, is the first to use the name ‘The Catholic Church’
…” (The Question Box, p. 132)
This same Ignatius introduced the
doctrine that Christ is both God and man:
“He asserted unequivocally both the divinity and humanity of
Christ, the Savior.” (New Catholic Encyclopedia, vol. 7, p. 353)
Ignatius is one of the so-called
Antenicene Fathers who were divided into three groups, namely:
1. Apostolic Fathers – supposedly had personal contact with the Apostles or were instructed by their disciples. To this group belong Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp of Smyna, and Clement of Rome.
2. Greek Apologists – born of the Church’s reaction to paganism. To
this group belong Justin Martyr, Athenagoras of Athens, Theophilus of Antioch,
and Irenaeus.
3. Theologians – to this group belong Clement of Alexandria, Origen,
Tertullian, and Cyprian.
These Church Fathers were the
source of the teachings that the Catholic Church taught and implemented
beginning the second century. However, such persons were not immune from errors
and yet, the apostatized church approved their teachings:
“Obviously much that Christ and the apostles preached was in
time reduced to writing. Hence there grew up a library composed of men called
‘the fathers of the Church’. They were called so because in apostolic days the
word ‘father’ also meant teacher of spiritual things, and these were among her
earliest teachers. But, unlike the apostles, all of whom enjoyed infallibility,
they were not immune from error nor inspired as the scriptural writers had
been. In so far as they dealt with questions of faith and morals, much of what
they wrote was approved by the Church, and thus, became part of written
tradition.” (Whereon to Stand: What Catholics Believe and Why, p. 142)
As a result of the teachings of
these early Church Fathers, the Church
of Christ or Christianity
became Roman Catholicism, the last and the greatest of the mystery religions:
“On that dies Domini, or Lord’s Day, the Christians assembled
for their weekly ritual. Their clergy read from the Scriptures, led them in
prayer, and preached sermons of doctrinal instruction, moral exhortation, and
sectarian controversy…
“By the close of the second century, these weekly ceremonies
had taken the form of the Christian Mass. Based partly on the Judaic Temple
service, partly on Greek mystery rituals of purification, vicarious sacrifice,
and participation through communion, in the death-overcoming powers, of the
deity, the Mass grew slowly into a rich congeries of prayers, psalms, readings,
sermon, antiphonal recitations, and, above all, that symbolic atoning sacrifice
of the ‘Lamb of God’ which replaced, in Christianity, the bloody offerings of
older faiths. The bread and wine which these cults had considered as gifts
placed upon the altar before the god were now conceived as changed by the
priestly act of consecration into the body and blood of Christ, and were
presented to God as a repetition of the self-immolation of Jesus on the cross.
Then, in an intense and moving ceremony, the worshippers partook of the very
life and substance of their Saviour. It was a conception long sanctified by
time; the pagan mind needed no schooling to receive it; by embodying it in the
‘mystery of the Mass’, Christianity became the last and the greatest of the
mystery religions.” (Ceasar and Christ, pp. 599-600)
Thus, the claim of the Catholic
Church that they are the Church founded by Christ in the first century is not
true because the Catholic Church is very much different from the Church of Christ
founded by Christ in the first century. The Catholic Church is not the Church
founded by Christ, instead it’s the fulfillment of the prophecies of the Bible
regarding the apostasy that will take
place immediately after the death of the apostles. Hence, the claim
of the Catholic Church that they succeeded the apostles is not a proof of being
the true Christ founded by Christ, but instead, a strong proof that the Catholic Church is indeed the apostate Church, the fulfillment of what the Bible prophesied that after
the death of the apostles, among the ranks of the bishops will rise false
teachers that will distort the truth.
very informative article,may all people know about this information