“What God Was,
the Word Was”
The bible is the word of god
The Bible is the Sacred Scripture
of the glesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ)
and the sole basis of her faith. |
we call our Sacred Scriptures “the Bible.” The Bible forms the foundation upon
which every teaching and practice of the Iglesia Ni Cristo or
the Church Of Christ are built. The Bible-centered method is one
of the defining characteristics that make this Church unique.However, the attitude of
some more liberal groups concerning the Bible departs even further from the
proper reverence that should be accorded the Scriptures, and some who even
profess to be Christians, calling the Bible only one of many “sacred texts.”
These same people consider the
religious books of other religions, such as those of Buddhism and Hinduism, to
be equally valid “expressions of God’s voice” and worthy of equal consideration
and respect as the Bible. They consider all the “sacred texts” to be God’s
various ways of speaking His truth to man, no matter how much the “truths”
these books teach differ from and contradict one another and the Bible.
Still others give the Bible no
respect at all, as they try to deconstruct it and attempt to read into the
motives of the different writers, assigning them various social and political
agendas. For them, there is no such thing as a sacred text. They see the Bible
only as a human text that can be analyzed and criticized like any other
literary works.
There are those who classify the
Bible as a mere collection of myths, that is, something beyond the realm of
truth. Others believe that the Bible is a mere work of man and just a product
of human imagination.
However, in the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church of Christ),
the Bible is considered indispensable. It is the ultimate authority and guide
to the way the Church members think, feel, and act. Why do God’s words written
in the Bible hold such power over their lives that they untiringly invite
people to listen to and follow His words? The answer to this question rests on
the distinctive attribute of the divine word that is also present in God